id = $id; $mitem->name = html_entity_decode( $name ); $mitem->link = $link; $mitem->parent = $parent; $mitem->type = ''; return $mitem; } /** * Outputs the pathway breadcrumbs * @param database A database connector object * @param int The db id field value of the current menu item */ function showPathway( $Itemid ) { global $database, $option, $task, $mainframe, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $my; // the the whole menu array and index the array by the id $query = "SELECT id, name, link, parent, type, menutype, access" . "\n FROM #__menu" . "\n WHERE published = 1" . "\n AND access <= " . (int) $my->gid . "\n ORDER BY menutype, parent, ordering" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $mitems = $database->loadObjectList( 'id' ); // get the home page $home_menu = new mosMenu( $database ); foreach( $mitems as $mitem ) { if ( $mitem->menutype == 'mainmenu' ) { $home_menu = $mitem; break; } } $optionstring = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $optionstring = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) { $optionstring = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } // are we at the home page or not $homekeys = array_keys( $mitems ); $home = @$mitems[$home_menu->id]->name; $path = ''; // this is a patch job for the frontpage items! aje if ($Itemid == $home_menu->id) { switch ($option) { case 'content': $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); if ($task=='blogsection'){ $query = "SELECT title, id" . "\n FROM #__sections" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id ; } else if ( $task=='blogcategory' ) { $query = "SELECT title, id" . "\n FROM #__categories" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id ; } else { $query = "SELECT title, catid, id" . "\n FROM #__content" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id ; } $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; $database->loadObject( $row ); $id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1; // add the content item $mitem2 = pathwayMakeLink( $Itemid, $row->title, '', 1 ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem2; $Itemid = $id; $home = ''. $home .''; break; } } // breadcrumbs for content items switch( @$mitems[$Itemid]->type ) { // menu item = List - Content Section case 'content_section': $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); switch ($task) { case 'category': if ($id) { $query = "SELECT title, id" . "\n FROM #__categories" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id . "\n AND access <= " . (int) $my->id ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $title = $database->loadResult(); $id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1; $mitem = pathwayMakeLink( $id, $title, 'index.php?option='. $option .'&task='. $task .'&id='. $id .'&Itemid='. $Itemid, $Itemid ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem; $Itemid = $id; } break; case 'view': if ($id) { // load the content item name and category $query = "SELECT title, catid, id, access" . "\n FROM #__content" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; $database->loadObject( $row ); // load and add the category $query = "SELECT c.title AS title, AS sectionid, AS id, c.access AS cat_access" . "\n FROM #__categories AS c" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s" . "\n ON c.section =" . "\n WHERE = " . (int) $row->catid . "\n AND c.access <= " . (int) $my->id ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); $title = $result[0]->title; $sectionid = $result[0]->sectionid; $id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1; $mitem1 = pathwayMakeLink( $Itemid, $title, 'index.php?option='. $option .'&task=category§ionid='. $sectionid .'&id='. $row->catid, $Itemid ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem1; if ( $row->access <= $my->gid ) { // add the final content item $id++; $mitem2 = pathwayMakeLink( $Itemid, $row->title, '', $id-1 ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem2; } $Itemid = $id; } break; } break; // menu item = Table - Content Category case 'content_category': $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); switch ($task) { case 'view': if ($id) { // load the content item name and category $query = "SELECT title, catid, id" . "\n FROM #__content" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id . "\n AND access <= " . (int) $my->id ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; $database->loadObject( $row ); $id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1; // add the final content item $mitem2 = pathwayMakeLink( $Itemid, $row->title, '', $Itemid ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem2; $Itemid = $id; } break; } break; // menu item = Blog - Content Category // menu item = Blog - Content Section case 'content_blog_category': case 'content_blog_section': switch ($task) { case 'view': $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); if ($id) { // load the content item name and category $query = "SELECT title, catid, id" . "\n FROM #__content" . "\n WHERE id = " . (int) $id . "\n AND access <= " . (int) $my->id ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $row = null; $database->loadObject( $row ); $id = max( array_keys( $mitems ) ) + 1; $mitem2 = pathwayMakeLink( $Itemid, $row->title, '', $Itemid ); $mitems[$id] = $mitem2; $Itemid = $id; } break; } break; } $i = count( $mitems ); $mid = $Itemid; $imgPath = 'templates/' . $mainframe->getTemplate() . '/images/arrow.png'; if (file_exists( "$mosConfig_absolute_path/$imgPath" )){ $img = 'arrow'; } else { $imgPath = '/images/M_images/arrow.png'; if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path . $imgPath )){ $img = 'arrow'; } else { $img = '>'; } } while ($i--) { if (!$mid || empty( $mitems[$mid] ) || $Itemid == $home_menu->id || !eregi("option", $optionstring)) { break; } $item =& $mitems[$mid]; $itemname = stripslashes( $item->name ); // if it is the current page, then display a non hyperlink if (($item->id == $Itemid && !$mainframe->getCustomPathWay()) || empty( $mid ) || empty($item->link)) { $newlink = " $itemname"; } else if (isset($item->type) && $item->type == 'url') { $correctLink = eregi( 'http://', $item->link); if ($correctLink==1) { $newlink = ''. $itemname .''; } else { $newlink = $itemname; } } else { $newlink = ''. $itemname .''; } // converts & to & for xtml compliance $newlink = ampReplace( $newlink ); if (trim($newlink)!="") { $path = $img .' '. $newlink .' '. $path; } else { $path = ''; } $mid = $item->parent; } if ( eregi( 'option', $optionstring ) && trim( $path ) ) { $home = ''. $home .''; } if ($mainframe->getCustomPathWay()){ $path .= $img . ' '; $path .= implode ( "$img " ,$mainframe->getCustomPathWay()); } if ( $Itemid && $Itemid != 99999999 ) { echo ''. $home .' '. $path .''; } } // code placed in a function to prevent messing up global variables if (!defined( '_JOS_PATHWAY' )) { // ensure that functions are declared only once define( '_JOS_PATHWAY', 1 ); showPathway( $Itemid ); } ?>